Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mexico Elbow.

My dad hurt his elbow in Mexico. He was sawing, and carrying heavy things, and mixing cement and ever since we got back his elbow has been hurting.
I think he's getting old. I don't like that at all. My dad isn't supposed to get old until I move out.
Greg Pense is going to usher this Sunday. That lady at my church would know that if she checked her email every once in a while.

My Little Sister

She just got home! And she is making a lot of noise. And now my dad is too.
One time I went ice skating and this girl I was with fell and someone skated over her fingers.
The skates sliced right through herfingers. It was disgusting. And sad. And it looked very painful.
I haven't been ice skating since.


There is a red marker sitting in front of me. I don't like it. It doesn't work very well.

"Murder She Wrote!" My grandma loves that show! She makes me watch it when I come over. We also watch "Jeopardy" and...... what ever else she wants to watch. I love my grandma, but I do not love her taste in TV shows.

June 14th

Bruce was the shark in "Finding Nemo." He is also my granddad. And my cousin. He is graduating on Sunday from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He will be 24 on the 20th.

So this lady from my church called and left a message for my dad about how we were supposed to usher but we're going to be out of town and she called another guy in the church to usher but he says he's suppoosed to be out of town and what should she do? She doesn't know how to usher! I don't know what my dad is supposed to do about it. I think she can figure it out. It is one of the easiest responsibilities you could ever have.

Clean Your Room!

My room is very messy now-a-days.
I haven't cleaned it in two months. It's crazy! I'm going to clean it next Monday. I hate it when I don't clean my room! And the worst part is that it is my own fault. Oh, well. I have a lot of cleaning to do.

She's Mine!

I don'tknow what I am saying anymore.
My little sis doesn't want to go to football camp, but she does want to to flag football again.
Oh dear.
When she first started out, she didn't even pay attention to the game she was in. When She wasn't in, she would just sit on the sidelines and pick at the grass. She has changed now.


You have been rubbed completely shiny.
Did you know that? I certainly did.
If I could figure out a way to stick my tongue out at you with out making an annoying computer face thing, I would. I feeling like acting like a 5 year old today.