Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cathy Is So Cool.

I feel like I had finally gotten to a place where I could have comfortable relationships with my friends, and then they change. It was quite upsetting.  Well, my friend did something that I really think there is nothing wrong with, but she was afraid to tell me. And it made me wonder what kind of friend I must be if she is afraid to tell me things.  I had really hoped we could be open with each other, but I guess not.
I think we will be closer from now on, though. By now we've hashed things out that should bring us closer.

Monday, February 9, 2009

30 Hour Famine

I went to this thing last weekend that was called the 30 hour famine. What we did was fast for 30 hours and learn about the struggles many people have around the world with hunger, and not having enough to feed themselves. We slept outside in cardboard boxes to get a teensy little slice of what its like to homeless in San José. We walked 2 1/2 miles to get our water and carried it back, like people in some countries that have to walk miles and miles every day to get their water. But I have to say our experiences don;t even compare with those of people in developing countries. I really learned a lot though.