Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Same Sex Relationships

I love the word Matthew T. used for homophobic people (those who discriminate against gay or bisexual people): ignorant. Not to say there are not people who've grown up with parents who believe this, and making it harder for them to accept certain people. But you need to keep an open mind. 
Being gay is not a choice, just like being straight is not a choice. A person can't wake up one day and say, "Yesterday I was straight, so today I'll be gay." Just like I can't wake up and say, "Well, I've been white for a while, so today I think I'll be Asian." We were born with the sexual preference we have, and if you want to change it, have fun trying.
So many people have been killed for liking or being with the same sex. It's sickening how cold-hearted people can be. There were 1,472 victims of hate crimes in 2006 because of a sexual orientation bias, which disgusts me. Why would someone be so compelled to kill someone for their sexual orientation? I can't understand it. Which brings me to talk about how religion plays into this.
There's this kid in my youth group that said he "hates all gays" and basically wants them all to be killed. He was mainly talking about two men together, but that doesn't matter. He said they were disgusting people. In my religion, United Methodism (a denomination of Christianity), I am supposed to forgive those who hurt me, offend me, or do some kind of wrong. But I am having trouble coming to some kind of forgiveness for this kid and for anyone committing hate crimes. I really don't know how. If they're going to keep hating people, I don't really don't want to.
I also saw a religious group of men in front of Washington Mutual with signs that said things like, "1 Man + 1 Woman : God's Marriage," which, in my opinion, is ridiculous. This sign was referring to what the Bible says on this matter which is somewhere along the lines of 'one man must not lay with another man.' In the time that was written, it was most likely referring to the rulers that had sex with young boys. Also, I don't get the whole point of being against same sex marriage. How the hell would it affect anyone else? Why would you want to take away someone's rights to have something to say that they will be with the person they love for the rest of their lives? 
It makes me so upset to see this kind of ignorance. 


Waldo said...

you know gays should be able to feel comfortable not afraid just like everybody else does

Matt-thew said...

Woot, Chris! That was a very enthralling speech! I enjoyed it so much I wanted to copy and paste it onto mine! Sadly, nobody looks at my blog so, it would be useless. However, I give you my full support, religions that think god only wants straight marriages are ridiculous! I understand there are people who were just raised to hate, dislike or avoid gay people, hopefully these people can at least try to have an open mind about it. People that can't stand gays are no better than, Hitler and his followers. Those of you like this just need to accept that there are people different to you, don't go all holocaust just because two guys or girls got married. THINK ABOUT IT!

Thompson said...

Easy now tiger. I'm doing a lot of head-nodding over here on my end of the internet, but I'd like to offer a gentle reminder that being open-minded also includes leaving room for those who disagree with us; while hate-crimes and unequal rights are unconscionable, it is certainly any person's prerogative to stand by his or her beliefs...

The ignorance thing is a toughie- it implies that they have chosen to not think about the issue fully. I've got to say, I know and love (and disagree with) many people who have put a lot of thought, research, and prayer into the issue of same sex relationships, and have come to the conclusion that it's morally wrong. I think shouting "ignorance" is kind of the easy way out; it's more difficult to understand that logical, well-intentioned people can look at the same empirical data that you're looking at and come to the opposite decision. Life is a little more ambiguous than we'd like sometimes.

And one last thing: lest we provoke the vicious internet predators, could we strip our dear friend Matthew of his last name?

katelyn schaich. said...

That was amazing Chris!
I think that you said what a lot of people aren't brave enough to say for fear of what people might say about them. I agree with you in every way. That was one of the most amazing things I have ever read. EVER.
