Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To Further Explain...

I was not referring to anyone specifically in my other super long post.
I understand that you can't quickly change your opinions because someone got offended.
I would like to point out that I try to follow the Bible, with exceptions. The Bible says that women are to wear head coverings in church/public. I don't follow that. It also says to love your neighbor, which is why I am so angry at conservative Christians who hate homosexual or bisexual people. If they are Christians, they would try to love their neighbor. 
 I would also like to point out that the Bible was written my humans. Males humans, to be specific. While I think that the Bible was definitely inspired by the word of God, I also keep in mind that it was written by humans, and then edited by humans. So if God loves everyone NO MATTER WHAT, then I think he'll love you if you have feelings for the same sex as yourself.
In fact, it is part of my belief system, and I want to do what I can to stop the hate that comes from some people, on both ends of the pickle spectrum.
For the people that believe that same sex relationships are wrong, please put yourself in their situation. Having feelings for someone, that feel right, and all the while you get told those feelings are wrong.


Lorita said...

I understand exactly what you are talking about. This is so true. People should be more open-minded.

~Alyssa~ said...

What I think is that since homosexuality and the bible is so complicated, and can be interpreted so many ways, I've just reached the conclusion that I should love others, and leave judging up to God. After all, He knows better than I ever will.

Lorita said...

Alyssa, I couldn't have said it better myself. God is the person who will judge you and we should all leave it up to him. He is the one who knows everything and who are we to judge our "neighbors"?