Monday, March 9, 2009

Tyra Banks

This is my blog about Tyra Banks. I like her. She seems so pretty and nice until she gets a little crazy. And then she seems pretty nuts. But she really isn't crazy (even though my mom thinks she is). I don't trust anyone that never seems a little off-balance. Normal people aren't to be trusted, because there is no such thing as a normal person. And if there is no such thing as a normal person, that person can't be human. They must be a cyborg. Haha..... just kidding. That sounded really weird. But seriously, there is no such thing as a normal person, so my mom needs to get off her back!

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yes, I totally agree! There is not such thing as normal or perfect. People are goofy and weird in their normal kind of way, I guess.