Monday, January 19, 2009

da Vinci

My family and I went to the da Vinci exhibit at the Tech Museum. I thought it was going to be this interesting thing where we would get to see the things he invented and maybe how they compare to things that we use today. However, it was just invention after invention that looked interesting, but the descriptions didn't really say what they did. And several of the things there weren't da Vinci's inventions. I was disappointed in the exhibit. The movie that sort of went along with it was interesting though. It was called "Adrenaline Rush." It was about people that enjoy skydiving and base-jumping. It scared the crap put of me whenever I imagined myself doing what they're doing. I don't think I ever want to do something like that.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

I enjoyed the Da Vinci Exhibit as well but hoped to see many more paintings. That was the only downside to the exhibit.