Monday, June 1, 2009


I love my doggy. He's so cute. He's nicer than a bird, or a cat, or a fish, or a rabbit. I had a pet rat once. His name was Lightning. He bit me. I also had a pet snake, and his name was slither. I cried when we found him dead. It was awful. Haha, he was able to somewhat "climb" out of his thingy that he was in, so we had to keep clips on the lid, because he could lift the lid up, move it, and slither his way out of his cage. My little sister loved to hold our snake (we all did), and she never remembered to put the clips on so we would find him either in the kitchen, slithering around on the floor(we kept him near the kitchen before we got my dog), or on my bathroom floor (near where we kept him after we got my dog, because my dog would have attacked him if he was near him). It scared the crap out of my mama.

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