Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gabbie, Gabbie, Gabbie.

Last night I went to a dance for my youth group, and I had a wonderful time!
Both my sisters were there, and for once we got along really well. I danced with my older sister Alex for a while, until she had to leave to go somewhere else. The I tried to dance with my little sister Gabbie, but she's not one much for dancing.

I love those dances because I know almost everyone there, and if I don't know them, I meet them.
So I'm comfortable dancing with most of the people there. I like it. I hate it when you're dancing with someone and it's really awkward. None of that happens here!

1 comment:

Lorita said...

yeah, I know what you mean!!! Awkward dances ruin the moment and the whole dance for you. I love dancing with my little cousin because she makes up her own moves and owns the whole dance floor. It's so cute and kind of annoying. ; )