Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mexico Elbow.

My dad hurt his elbow in Mexico. He was sawing, and carrying heavy things, and mixing cement and ever since we got back his elbow has been hurting.
I think he's getting old. I don't like that at all. My dad isn't supposed to get old until I move out.
Greg Pense is going to usher this Sunday. That lady at my church would know that if she checked her email every once in a while.

My Little Sister

She just got home! And she is making a lot of noise. And now my dad is too.
One time I went ice skating and this girl I was with fell and someone skated over her fingers.
The skates sliced right through herfingers. It was disgusting. And sad. And it looked very painful.
I haven't been ice skating since.


There is a red marker sitting in front of me. I don't like it. It doesn't work very well.

"Murder She Wrote!" My grandma loves that show! She makes me watch it when I come over. We also watch "Jeopardy" and...... what ever else she wants to watch. I love my grandma, but I do not love her taste in TV shows.

June 14th

Bruce was the shark in "Finding Nemo." He is also my granddad. And my cousin. He is graduating on Sunday from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He will be 24 on the 20th.

So this lady from my church called and left a message for my dad about how we were supposed to usher but we're going to be out of town and she called another guy in the church to usher but he says he's suppoosed to be out of town and what should she do? She doesn't know how to usher! I don't know what my dad is supposed to do about it. I think she can figure it out. It is one of the easiest responsibilities you could ever have.

Clean Your Room!

My room is very messy now-a-days.
I haven't cleaned it in two months. It's crazy! I'm going to clean it next Monday. I hate it when I don't clean my room! And the worst part is that it is my own fault. Oh, well. I have a lot of cleaning to do.

She's Mine!

I don'tknow what I am saying anymore.
My little sis doesn't want to go to football camp, but she does want to to flag football again.
Oh dear.
When she first started out, she didn't even pay attention to the game she was in. When She wasn't in, she would just sit on the sidelines and pick at the grass. She has changed now.


You have been rubbed completely shiny.
Did you know that? I certainly did.
If I could figure out a way to stick my tongue out at you with out making an annoying computer face thing, I would. I feeling like acting like a 5 year old today.

Oh, Snarf

"Welcome to Iceland
There is no sunlight
You are on fire
A demon eats your face
Come to Iceland
Give us your eyes!"

I loved SNL's protrayal of Bjork. Although i love her, she is a bit cracked.

Oh oh oh.

Oh! Guess what!
I am running out of things to say.
Oh, snarf.
Iceland makes most of it's money through fishing, dragons, and screaming.

So's You're Mother Trebek.

My dad is always thinking aout nothing.
Except when he is thinking about coupons and reminding us that we have one day left of school, as if we weren't already obsessed with that fact.

Silver and Gold

Fragments from flooded trophy rooms. But really, I want to go work on that project and he is getting in my way. I-O-I-o-S-s-B.
Nonsense words!
Hoda Kotb. That's a name, but crazy Kathie Lee thinks it's a nonsense word.
She's nuts. Kathie Lee, I mean.
Hoda Kotb seems pretty normal.


Of the places that we've been, Wonderland was my favorite.
Even though my little finger is still healing.
That's enough.
Exept for the part whwere I still had important things to say, and you aren't a part of this conversation, and I wasn't talking to you, and are you leaving yet? Because it seems like you should.


"These Satellites don't care for subtle moves
As we push through knee-high waste seafood"

You are either a maze or a myth, but either way I officially am against that cause. Psshhh!
Like I'd ever commit to a crazy woman like that!


I think that by the time I actually am able to get the paint off me hands, there'll be no hands left!
Really, though, it hurts! It's like I am scrubbing all my skin off! That's gross, but that's what it feels like!
"Fade back into the wall paper
And think about what you've done to her"

Come on Youth!

Youth Gaines
juvenile delinquents
youth group
"Don't give in, like the very last bowling pin.
Do you love to regret
Or forgive and forget?
If you're gonna forgive at all, cold is comfort, and comfort is cold."

Thanks, Jimmy.

Obama came on the Colbert Report via video and ordered a U.S. general to shave Colbert's head.
He also made fun of his own ears!
McCain had a video for them and it was not as entertaining, or interesting.
I like bell peppers. They are probably ythe best vegetable known to man.
Actually, they are for sure.

Spray Paint

It never comes off! I need to use acetone to get it off my hands, and I accidentally got some on the front walk to my house, and I am having the worst time trying to clean it up.
Oh, now the dog is going to go crazy.

Pretty Eyes

She has very pretty eyes. Yes you are wearing pajamas.
Greg Proops from "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" is on a children's show.
Not only was he the voice of Bob the Builder, but he is now on that Nickelodeon show about that girl that is the VP of some magazine.


It's 5:30 pm. What to do?
How about catch up on my blogs!
Yay! Sounds good. So, that girl is not the nicest thing in the world.
CODE YELLOW! Conference room! NOW!

Global Warming

I think Deshanique and I were just major contributors to global warming.
We just used almost an entire can of green spray paint on something for Mr. Thompson.
And by "green" I don't mean "let's save the world from destruction that we have only ourselveas to blame for," I mean the color. Whoops.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Background Dancers

The background dancers in The Nutty Professor dance awkwardly. I can't imagine a time when dancing like that would be socially acceptable. I was alive during this time, but it doesn't make their dancing any less ridiculously.

Clint Eastwood

My mommy says that he is going to die soon. She didn't mean it a mean way, but he's old, he just turned 79. He's getting up there. My mom likes Clint Eastwood, she'll be sad when he dies, and so will I. I should stop talking about this now, I'll jinx his life. That would be very bad. I don't want to be responsible for anyone's death.

Eddie Murphy Gave Me That Watch!

I love this movie. The Nutty Professor. It's hilarious!
I love the dinner scene where the Dad starts farting and then the kid starts farting and before that the Grandma was yelling at the dad telling him that if he tried to kill her he'd be limping away. Its sooooo funny.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


That one guy that he interviewed punched him in the face! Well, not really, it was fake, but man, was it funny. I saw this SNL digital short called "People Getting Punched." I liked it. Svetlana! John Madden is co-hosting a bocce ball tournament. Cable cars could soon have space available for advertisments! That's all, goodnight.

Comment Moderation

Two high school students from Gunn High School in Palo Alto committed suicide by stepping in front of a train, on the same stretch of tracks within four weeks. What are they putting in the water? The news is so depressing. Old man died. Kid died. Cal Train is cutting back on stations. Peas are bad..... YAY! Just playing, they are fine now. See? Depressing. Hahaha "Let me show this live picture of nothing happening, just like we always do on the weather."

Rain in June!

Please! I want rain in June! I love the rain so much. I love the sun too. I love going and sitting on my friends roof in the summertime when its sunny and warm and we can just fall alseep. We don't have to worry about everything else, until we wake up, and then her dad has probably come home and wants us to leave or take out the trash.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh, Fun!

I've said that I don't have a reason before, it means that I don't have a reason. We were just playing around. Stop making this complicated. Sweatshirt schmeatshirt. I should improve my reading level. Ooooh, I see. You realize how bad that sounds. You hurt me. Wah, wah. Febreze is a major contributor to global warming so you should be the one getting yelled at right now.But you won't be. Because you are ----- King of all conversation twisters. Now you're going to let Gabbie go and yell at me for the amount of blogs I am doing tonight. I don;t need a bio, Chica. He's not the problem.

I am a Rocket Ship

That's not funny! Blah blah blah. SO you have nothing to say for yourself. No. Exactly. Exactly what? That doesn't mean anything. Maybe in crazy trip land where you seem to always be, but not here. Enjoying your summer? Oh, yes. Sorry. Click! Squeak! Flip, flop. I think that's where the name comes from. Jangle. Ding dong! Matt's here. Leaving with Alex. Bah-bye. NO one's talking right now. Gabbie, come here. Why aren't you done with the kitchen yet?


My friend Michelle is going to Ethiopia this summer on a missions trip. I am very proud of her. SH ewent with us to Mexico and was on my work crew for the house. I really hope she can go on Youthworks. I like her, and I like how she works. This will be fun.


I love my doggy. He's so cute. He's nicer than a bird, or a cat, or a fish, or a rabbit. I had a pet rat once. His name was Lightning. He bit me. I also had a pet snake, and his name was slither. I cried when we found him dead. It was awful. Haha, he was able to somewhat "climb" out of his thingy that he was in, so we had to keep clips on the lid, because he could lift the lid up, move it, and slither his way out of his cage. My little sister loved to hold our snake (we all did), and she never remembered to put the clips on so we would find him either in the kitchen, slithering around on the floor(we kept him near the kitchen before we got my dog), or on my bathroom floor (near where we kept him after we got my dog, because my dog would have attacked him if he was near him). It scared the crap out of my mama.


I don't like it when I have to choose between agreeing with my friends, or my friends' parents. Like, I love my friends, and sometimes I disagree with them, but some of them have the kind of parents that you need them to like you or all the sudden you aren't friends any more. I don't like it!

Part Six

Well, this is part six, and I am tired of continuing this, but I made a commitment and it shall go on! Wednesday was cold as well, but still warmer than Tuesday. We used sun showers, which are essentially plastic bags you fill with water that have black on one side, and you stick them in the sun and they are supposed to get warm, but they don't really. And our shower enclosure had no roof so it had wind running through it while we took showers. It was SO cold. On Tuesday we had all the walls up on the house, and the roof, and we had the tar paper up on Wednesday, and the chicken wire. On the last day of work, Thursday, we mixed and put the stucco on the house. It was hard to do, but the good part was that we got a two and a half hour break while the first layer dried. We talked to the hiome owner (she was very forgiving of our bad Spanish - or mine, at least), we bought things from vendors (we promised them we would buy things on Thursday, they came around every day trying to sell things). It was good. The second layer of stucco was much easier to put on.


Tuesday was freezing! I just wanted to get back and sit near a fired and sleep. I sawed more on Tuesday. A lot more. Oh! what I forgot to mention was the fact that we have 10 hour days! Yay! We get to our worksite before eight and we don't leave until six or later. And I'm not even sure if I get credit for all ten hours of the four days.

Deshanique's Middle Name (Part Four)

So, after we set up camp in Mexico (which took forever by the way, camp for 62 people takes a long time), we had wrok crew meetings, dinner, a camp fire, and went to bed. The next morning we got up at six to get ready, make our lunches, and have breakfast to get out of there by 7:30. It took about 20 minutes to get to our worksite, so we were there before 8:00 in the morning. On Monday, the foundatiuon for our house was laid and we started building walls. It was hot and sunny that day; I got a sunburn on my scalp. I spent the almost the wholen day sawing 22 1/2 inch fireblocks for the walls, and my arm was hella tired by the end of the day. But for part of the day I also mixed cement. Mind you, we had no power tools or cement mixers, so the cement job was tiring. Good workout for your legs, if you do it right.

But I Play Football!

I dedicated this blog to Deshanique. She is the go after my bon. She is the dance floor on which I get down. She is the woman that has a hilarious picture in Castaneda's (Sp?) class on page 43 of the yearbook... check it out (and De loves parentheses). She made me laugh so hard today, and the laughs are still going on. I love her.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The More Exciting Part of Memorial Day

Beth came to the barbeque at my house on Monday. She kept all her clown makeup and costume on so that when my four year old cousin came and saw her he got all excited. It was adorable! My uncle Spiros is Greek and his father was in town from Greece and they all came. My uncle's dad speaks very very little English, so my uncle translated and everything, and they would have their own conversations in Greek. 
Beth has a friend named Dion, Dionysis, whose first language happens to be Greek. So during every conversation my uncle and his father had Beth would call out any word she recognized. "Girl!.... Gum!.... Telephone!.... POTATO!" 

Memorial Day

I went to the festival at Parkview Elementary on Monday, and it was not exciting. It wasn't completely boring; I had friends there, but there wasn't much to do, I came really late. The band was playing random songs that I did not recognize, and a small child kept squirting me with water. Then we walked back from Parkview to Vista Park where Ian had his truck and then I an gave Beth and me a ride to Amanda's house to go visit her. She wasn't there.


A friend of the family, a little girl named Alexis, passed away last Saturday, May 23, 2009 at about 10:20 am. We loved her so much. She had cancer first in her arm, discovered about a year ago, and it moved into her hip and lungs. Her arm was amputated a couple weeks or so ago, in the hopes that it might help her beat the cancer, but it didn't. She got a chance to say goodbye to her whole family, which is only slightly comforting. The Make a Wish Foundation sent her and her family to Italy which is where she wanted to go. She even got to see her little sister Emily get baptized. Another thing that was sort of her idea. I love Alexis so much. I am very sad she is gone, but glad she's not in pain anymore. One thing she said -or wrote- before she passed away is that she's going up to heaven with both arms. That just breaks my heart. And her little brother, about six or seven years old, misses her so much. So do her parents. I can't imagine how they feel, thatg their 11 year old daughter is no longer with them. I am just so sad for them right now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Have Good Friends

Yes indeedy, I do. We share music, we feel comfortable around each other...... De knows what I mean. (Cough cough...... Beth). And we love!  We talk about our creepy neighbors together and everything. Whenever I go to concerts or shows, I'm always with Beth. And whenever I go to concerts with Beth, we are in the front, five feet away from the bands. I love it.

Slow Club

They know how to make pleasing music. I love to fall asleep to Slow Club songs, especially "Dance to the Morning Light" and "Summer Shakedown." Ooh! And "Thinking, Drinking, Sinking, Feeling." 

"Light will pour 
Out if your eyes
Down into 
A field of ......"

Is it spice or spies?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Friday

I went to Beth's house. She has a creepy neighbor. He's about 22 years old, and he flirts with her every chance he gets. But she doesn't like it. She polite, but she tries to deflect his weird comments, but it's like he doesn't even notice. On Friday we walked to Baskin Robbins just before Eness and I had to leave, and on our way back we saw him sitting in the drivers seat of his car just around the corner from her house. He was just sitting there with the engine off. Only 50 yards from her house. Mind you, he lives next door to her. Then, Eness and Beth and I get to Beth's house and we sit on the front lawn talking, and weren't sitting there for 30 seconds before we see him pull into his own driveway, get out of his car, and talk to Beth again. It was freaky.

...And I Just Can't Hide It

I am so excited for August 18th. Its the day before my 16th birthday, but that is not the exciting part. Ever since I went to Beth's 11th birthday party the summer before sixth grade, I have been in love with Green Day. I'll admit that I used to enjoy the album American Idiot but that's not my cup of tea anymore. I do, however, still love their old stuff. Dookie, Insomniac, Nimrod, Kerplunk, 1,000 Smoothed Out/Slappy Hour, Waiting.... there's more. All oldies but goodies. So anyway, Beth, my darling Beth, got us floor tickets for their concert on the 18th of August. That's why I'm so excited. We're leaving right after school to pick up our tickets and get to HP Pavilion ASAP so we can be right in front. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What a Good Night!

A friend that I have had for quite some time, someone I was very close to for a while, called me tonight and told me that they were going to serenade me with a song of apology. We had gotten into this pattern where we weren't talking for a long time..... since April 11, to be exact (that's a LONG time for us). It all started when I went to Mexico and I came back and the first person I called after I came back (other than my mama) was Beth, one of my best friends. When I was on the phone with her she told me that she was at So-and-so's birthday party. I was told weeks before that I was invited, and all of the sudden I wasn't invited, and I had no idea why. Okay, whatever, birthday party shmirthday party. Then she had a invited people over to go swimming at her dad's house. I wasn't included in a group of people that I normally was included in. She also wasn't answering my messages and she wasn't calling me like she used to. But we talked tonight. And it was good.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Part Three Has Arrived!

From my experience, Mexico has no screening system for who they will let in. I could've had 20 pounds of cocaine on me and no one would have noticed. Although, that would be a lot. We got in to Mexico and saw the huge line we were going to have to wait in. Then we set up camp. Part Four will tell you about the week.

Mexico Trip Part Two

On Sunday after the creepy church service, our giant group of 62 went to the farmers' market across the street from the church and got lunch, which we kept with us until we got to the Amor thingy (I don't know what to call it.... headquarters?) in the United States (oh, Amor is the organization that we went with on this trip). There was a big hill behind where we were standing eating our lunches waiting for an Amor representative to lead us to the border (which was five minutes away from where we were), and it took us a while to realize it, but that hill was in Mexico. So we took a picture in front of it, even though we weren't in Mexico yet. Watch out for part three!

Fred's Mexican Cafe

Yummy. I went to Mexico for spring break with my youth group, my church, and Los Altos UMC and on the first day (Saturday), we stopped at a hotel in San Diego and we all went to a really delicious restaurant for dinner, walked around Old Town San Diego, and came back to the hotel and hung out in our rooms. The next morning we went to an Easter service at a church that Los Altos usually goes to for Easter morning when they are on the trip. I won't tell you in detail, but it was the creepiest sermon I had ever heard in church. There are just some things that you just don't expect to hear from a pastor, but he apparently had no boundaries. It was weird. That was Mexico Trip Part One..... stay tuned!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Looking up lyrics on the internet is so annoying. I never know whether the lyrics are correct. One site tells me these lyrics, another site tells me other lyrics, and another one gives me a mixture of the two. Don't get me wrong, a song is not all about the lyrics. The music behind the lyrics is way important, but the right lyrics enhance that. So I'm annoyed right now. It could be either one! "Americancer", "home and her cancer." Could be either one, the way he sings it in the song. "An average romancer" or "a Myspace romancer?" It really sounds like "a Myspace romancer" in the song, but I can't be too sure. Oh, well. Life will go on.


I will miss Deshanique and Beth soooo much. I feel bad leaving De like this, with her nasty cousin coming into town. I'm sorry sweety! I wish I could physically be there with her, but I can't. But I am willing to listen to lots and lots of complaints when I get back. That cousin does not sound like a fun person at all. And to the best of my knowledge Beth doesn't have any obnoxious cousins coming to see her, so I'm just sad that I won't be spending spring break with her.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Salty Eyes

I love this song sooo much. And I realize that a lot of blogs about how much I love certain songs (at least I think I do), but I can't help it. I am in love with this song and I want the world to know! "Salty Eyes" by The Matches is one of my four only true loves! Yes, I do belong to a song, this song. "Please don't give up, dear walls, don't let the ceiling fall."

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I forgot we had strawberries! I love strawberries. But we bought them a while ago, so I'm not sure if they're any good any more. It  would suck if they've gone bad. That would be a waste. Waste is bad. Oh! the poetry slam was soooo good!


Have you ever looked through the window and tried to see everything as if you've never seen it before? Or have you ever listened to a song and tried to find little "hidden rhythms," as my sister calls them, that you never paid attention to before? I like doing that. Ooh! there's a wolf on my TV. It's trying to kill Jake Gyllenhaal and his lovely friends. Then the ice started coming. They were in the eye of the storm. Dennis Quaid's friend died. Sad.

The Graham Norton Show

Is kind of boring. Sorry, Charlie, but I don't like it at all. I don't know why, though. It's like how I really don't like Nicholas Cage. Ugh! I really don't like him. I feel bad for not liking him. He's not even that bad of an actor. Oh, well. I don't like Patrick Swayze either.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Meryl Streep

She looks very good for her age, but she looks very awkward when she sings. I'm watching "Mama Mia!" (don't make fun of me) and she  is just a very awkward singer. I like it, though. It's like she has ants in her pants. Oh, and the random Greeks! Well, I guess they're not completely random the movie is set in Greece. But they pop out of nowhere, and they have nothing to do with the plot of the movie. 

Monday, March 16, 2009

"You Look Well Nice"

I love Kate Nash sooooo much (and you should too). I don;t know how she comes up with all the random things she writes about. Another thing that is so great about her is that she feels no need to rhyme. Sometimes she does. Well, a lot of times she does. But she's so great.
I love the song "Birds." She kind of rambles a lot in that song. It makes me happy.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Video Scavenger Hunt

Last year in my youth group I went to an all-night thingy where we went on a scavenger hunt and did ridiculous things in public at night and recorded all of it on camera, and then watched each one. It was fun. There was one time that we had to play duck-duck-goose in front of McDonald's, another time we had to find a way onto the field of someone's school and sing the national anthem at about 10:00 pm. We had to go to a friend's house (who wasn't doing the scavenger hunt with us), and T.P. their car or a bush. There was a lot of stuff. There is another one next weekend that I am very excited for. Last time was so much fun, I don't want to miss it this time. I just hope I get to go.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I haven't seen one of my closest friends in a long time. I feel like I don't even remember how she is. I was sort of reassured this afternoon when she called me and we talked for a while. I was actually really glad, because we fell into this pattern where we hadn't talked in so long that I wasn't sure if we liked each other anymore. Like, when we saw each other, we said hello and hugged and everything and seemed excited to see each other, but I wasn't sure if she really was happy to see me. We weren't even talking on the phone regularly, like we used to (when I say that we weren't calling each other regularly, I mean not at all). But since we talked today, I feel much better.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Little Miss Perfect

I saw this show about little girls and the process they go through preparing for pageants,  and it is ridiculous. There was one little girl, who I felt so sorry for because her mom forced her into a mother-daughter pageant. I did not like it at all. Her mom just loved to be in the spotlight, and the little girl was miserable. She hated being in front of people. The only thing about that mom I could appreciate is that she bought a dress from Kane from season 2 of Project Runway. I loved him. 
There was one little girl who was just dragging her mom along for the ride. Most of the little girls cried if they didn't win, but this little girl was so happy. She got fourth place and she was just excited that she got a big trophy. "I'm definitely doing more pageants," she told her mom, and her mom just rolled her eyes and said, "....Okay." I don't like that show at all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Killers....

are like a sad version of The Cure.  Sorry if you are in love with everything they do, but I'm not. I don't want to be one of those people that sits there and complains about a band they don't like, but you can't always get what you want. They started out alright, but now they are like The Cure, but not cool. I saw a recent video of theirs, and now I think they are going as far as being an 80's hairband. YICK! Too far man....

Tyra Banks

This is my blog about Tyra Banks. I like her. She seems so pretty and nice until she gets a little crazy. And then she seems pretty nuts. But she really isn't crazy (even though my mom thinks she is). I don't trust anyone that never seems a little off-balance. Normal people aren't to be trusted, because there is no such thing as a normal person. And if there is no such thing as a normal person, that person can't be human. They must be a cyborg. Haha..... just kidding. That sounded really weird. But seriously, there is no such thing as a normal person, so my mom needs to get off her back!


These posts are killing me! I keep forgetting to post blogs, so I have a bad grade in the class, so my parents bug me and ground me until my grades are up. And I have to say, finding a topic for these things is not easy. Not much goes on in my life that I can blog about. Except for my bad grades and Tyra Banks. Have I posted one about her? I don't think I have. That should be the next one.

Grandma Carolyn

I love spending time with my grandma. That sounds really weird, but I like it. She's just so happy every time I see her, and I enjoy her attitude. I had dinner with her today, and we had a lovely time. She was excited to tell me about what she did today, and told me about when she was wrongfully terminated from her job as a secretary, so she sued the law firm she worked for and got a butt-load of money. She asked me if anything exciting happened at school today, and I said the closest thing was watching "My So-Called Life" in English, a show I used to watch on MTV every once on a while, and she got excited again and said how disappointed she was that it wsn;t on TV anymore, because she loved it so much.
We later go on to talking about how neither of us really like watching "Top Chef", but "Project Runway" is a good show to watch. She's never really watched "America's Next Top Model", but she watched "Make Me a Supermodel" once and she didn't care for it. 
I really like my grandma. She's so easy to talk to.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cathy Is So Cool.

I feel like I had finally gotten to a place where I could have comfortable relationships with my friends, and then they change. It was quite upsetting.  Well, my friend did something that I really think there is nothing wrong with, but she was afraid to tell me. And it made me wonder what kind of friend I must be if she is afraid to tell me things.  I had really hoped we could be open with each other, but I guess not.
I think we will be closer from now on, though. By now we've hashed things out that should bring us closer.

Monday, February 9, 2009

30 Hour Famine

I went to this thing last weekend that was called the 30 hour famine. What we did was fast for 30 hours and learn about the struggles many people have around the world with hunger, and not having enough to feed themselves. We slept outside in cardboard boxes to get a teensy little slice of what its like to homeless in San José. We walked 2 1/2 miles to get our water and carried it back, like people in some countries that have to walk miles and miles every day to get their water. But I have to say our experiences don;t even compare with those of people in developing countries. I really learned a lot though.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gabbie, Gabbie, Gabbie.

Last night I went to a dance for my youth group, and I had a wonderful time!
Both my sisters were there, and for once we got along really well. I danced with my older sister Alex for a while, until she had to leave to go somewhere else. The I tried to dance with my little sister Gabbie, but she's not one much for dancing.

I love those dances because I know almost everyone there, and if I don't know them, I meet them.
So I'm comfortable dancing with most of the people there. I like it. I hate it when you're dancing with someone and it's really awkward. None of that happens here!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Business Time.

The new season of  "Flight of the Conchords" is starting soon, and I was all excited until I remembered that we no longer have HBO. Oh, hell. Those guys are hilarious. 


February 11th, guys! Tune in!


Because I'm such a twat, I  ruined my friends plans for today. Beth,  Tina,  Thien, and I were supposed to see "Yes Man" today and I was the one giving them a ride. But because I'm a spaz, I got in trouble last night at about 10:00 and they were left high and dry, do they couldn't go.
Of course, the trouble I got into was a complete accident, and my parents didn't have to punish me, and they knew my friends were depending on me to get there, but they kept me home anyway. Whatever. I disappoint people all the time. I'm really good at it now.

These blogs are pulling me down!

I keep forgetting that we have to write three blogs a week. It's upsetting because my grade sucks now. And the two days I was absent a couple weeks ago has hurt my grade in two classes. I asked my chemistry teacher for assignments that I missed and she didn't give me an assignment that I saw on the PIV. I hope I can bring my grade up.


When my family and I were on our way back from the da Vinci exhibit downtown, we were waiting for the lightrail and this woman asked for the best way to get to the airport. My parents started helping her out and figuring out where she would have to go, and eventually they figured out it would just be easier if she got off at the Ohlone Chynoweth station with us and we just give her a ride to where she needed to go. So I got to talking to her and she said she figured that because we were a family, we wouldn't chop her up into pieces. We talked to her on the way home and found out a lot about her, like she's from Memphis, and she just bought a house, and she's 25 and this was the fifth house she's had, but the first one she's bought all by herself. She was a really nice person. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

da Vinci

My family and I went to the da Vinci exhibit at the Tech Museum. I thought it was going to be this interesting thing where we would get to see the things he invented and maybe how they compare to things that we use today. However, it was just invention after invention that looked interesting, but the descriptions didn't really say what they did. And several of the things there weren't da Vinci's inventions. I was disappointed in the exhibit. The movie that sort of went along with it was interesting though. It was called "Adrenaline Rush." It was about people that enjoy skydiving and base-jumping. It scared the crap put of me whenever I imagined myself doing what they're doing. I don't think I ever want to do something like that.


I saw "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" yesterday, and I have to say, it was amusing. I didn't like the bad guy, though. Well, I'm not supposed to like the bad guy, but I mean I didn't like the way he talked. It was just typical movie bad guy, thinks he's so much smarter than everyone else, and he acted like it. I just think they could've come up with a better attitude for the villain. He was a weirdo, though. I did enjoy that. When he first came into the movie, I thought that he could use a shave and maybe a better haircut, but once he was the bad guy, he turned into a funny-looking nerd that needs a slap in the face. I thought the movie was decent because of that.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

*First "Love"

All throughout middle school and the first semester of high school, I thought I wouldn't find someone that liked me as much as I liked them. I thought that love wasn't for me, at least not right then, and that it would take a lot of searching to find anyone that would have feelings for me. But the second semester of my freshman year of high school, I started to like a guy named Brendan. 
I hadn't realized it, but Brendan had been flirting with me for about a month. He would show up to at lunch with me and start conversations that I was uncomfortable having (because he was flirting). When I was having a conversation with someone other than him, he tried to join, if he could. When I sat down on the floor, he sat down and leaned his head on my chest. It embarrassed me, but I didn't want to be rude because despite how annoying he may have seemed, I was developing a huge crush toward him. He was actually pretty charming at times, so I was blind to all the crude jokes he made, and all the annoying things he did, and the fact that we hadn't actually ever had a real conversation. 
So on a monday, when he told me that he wrote a lot of poetry, and that he wrote something for me, I was pretty excited. A million thoughts went through my head at once. I was excited that this could finally be the time that someone shares my feelings for them. I was thrilled that I was important enough to someone that they took the time to write something about me. He and I both had P.E. third period, and right before third period he pulled out his laptop outside of the locker rooms and showed me what he had written for me. At first I thought it was really sweet, maybe a little clichéd, but sweet. The last line said something about how I completed him. While I thought the poem was cute, that comment was a bit much for me. He had only been interested in me for a month or so, how could I complete him?
As soon as I got out of the locker room, about ten minutes after I read the poem, my friend Baker came up to me and congratulated me. When I seemed confused as to why he was congratulating me, he said it was because I was now "with" Brendan. I was surprised. I said thank you for the poem, I gave him a hug, and now he was telling his buddies in the locker room that we were together? Okay, whatever.
Baker was also in my fourth period class. I had expressed to him that I wasn't sure if I really wanted to be with him. Baker asked me if I liked him and I said that I thought so. Baker said I should go for it. So I did. All my friends were very excited for me. I got three calls in sixth period that day because my best friend spilled the unfortunate beans to my close friends at Pioneer. 
The excitement lasted for three days. Apparently, once he had secured his place with me, he had no need to be polite in anyway at all. He made crude jokes about me, my friends, and just about anything he could think of. I soon realized that I didn't like him at all. Within a week I wanted to cut him loose. I didn't want to get attached to this guy if I really didn't like him. So the monday after he decided we were a couple, I broke up with him. I let him down easy, of course, but I was glad I didn't have to deal with a really strong emotional attachment.